Thursday, February 11, 2010

No love today...

Well I didn't hear from the UW law school today, and according to nobody else did either. The difference between today and yesterday was that I dealt with the waiting much better... Let me give you (and myself) some advice for dealing with waiting in the future.

Keep yourself as busy as you possibly can. It doesn't need to be productive, but it needs to keep you from thinking about whatever you are waiting for. Today, for example, I was busy from 8:30 until 1:30 with various school things. I came home and was so hungry that I only thought about food, and after overeating I was so full that I took a two hour nap. I woke up and got ready for work, where I discussed religion, politics, and how awesome New Zealand is with another tutor. Now I am waiting at the library for a textbook that I need, so I am filling my time by listening to TBTL ( and writing to all of you (I wonder if anyone else reads this?).

In fact, my slate is absolutely 100% full until I get to see my wonderful girlfriend tomorrow! So take that anxiety!!!


P.S. Please let me know my UW fate tomorrow...

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